Rishi Dey Chowdhury 🧗🏻

Rishi Dey Chowdhury

Master of Statistics

Indian Statistical Institute Kolkata

I am a pursuing Master of Statistics from Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata.

My research interests broadly revolve around Quantitative Trading, Deep Learning, Computer Vision, NLP and Quantum Computing. Recently, I have developed deep interest in Market Microstructure Modeling, Risk Management and financial application of Machine Learning models in Anti-Money Laundering and Fraud Detection.

I am actively looking for Internship Opportunities.

In my free time, I love to play cards and strategy games, travel and sketch. I enjoy writing about my experiences and ideas on Medium.

To Mom



This is my go-to language at the moment. Have written several packages in Python.

Computer Vision

Worked Extensively on Face Recognition, Object Detection and Image Segmentation

Natural Language Processing

Worked extensively on Machine Translation, Document Representation and LLMs

Quant Trading Research

Recently gained interest in this field. Working on Market Microstructure simulation.

Deep Learning

Contributed to several research work towards improving fairness and performance of DL Systems

Quantum Computing

Contributed to Transpilation Methods for advancement of NISQ Quantum Hardware

Data Structure Algorithms

Skilled in Implementation of several Advanced Data Structure and Algorithms


Skilled in Statistical Inference, Stochastic Processes and Learning Theory


Love solving puzzles and have exposure to Advanced Probability


My past work mostly include Quant Finance, Quantum Computing, Computer Vision, NLP and GenAI.

JPMorgan Chase & Co.
Model Risk Quant
May 2024 – July 2024 Bangalore, India

Contributed to Transaction Model Risk Management and Review. Streamlined and automated key components of the Model Review Workflow.

IBM Quantum Research India
Quantum Computing Research Intern
February 2024 – May 2024 Bangalore, India

Contributed to Traspilation Methods for efficient and fast mapping of Program Quantum Circuit on Hardware Topology Circuit via Graph-Cutting Algorithms.

Responsibilities included:

  • Worked with Ritajit Majumdar, Anupama Ray and several other collaborators.
  • Devised a novel graph cutting method for implementing a large program circuit to be run on limited qubits NISQ Hardware efficiently.
Trust AI and Biometrics Lab at IIT Jodhpur
Computer Vision Research Intern
May 2023 – April 2024 Jodhpur, Rajasthan

Contributed towards Neural Face Recognition Robustness Research Paper. Contributed towards Biometric Capacity and Fairness of Deep FR Systems.

Responsibilities include:

  • Worked with Prof Richa Singh and Mayank Vatsa.
  • Created a Multi-Threaded Fast benchmarking pipelines for robustness of Neural Face Recognition systems.
  • Improved previously existing Fairness Benchmarks for Face Recognition Systems with new metrics and dataset creation.
  • Contributed to ongoing research on Biometric Capacity of Diffusion and other Generative AI Models through Prompt Engineering.
AI Institute of University of South Carolina
Deep Learning Research Intern
September 2022 – September 2023 Columbia, South Carolina

Contributed toward Unsupervised Image Segmentation, Object Detection and Generative AI Research.

Responsibilities included:

  • Worked with Professor Amitava Das in the Joint Embedding Group.
  • Developed a Novel Attention-Diffusion Algorithm for unsupervised semantic segmentation and object detection using Diffusion models.
  • Developed Large-Scale Data Generation Pipeline for Text-Based Object Discovery to tackle Extreme Object Detection and Classification.
  • Leveraged the above system to generate richer visuo-textual joint embedding using contextual and self-supervised learning and RPE transformer.
Natural Language Processing Research Intern
June 2023 – August 2023 Bangalore, India

Improved the existing system in production for annotating speech transcript data at scale and presented my work at IndoML23 Tutorial Session.

  • Collaborated with a team of NLP Researchers on designing a Data Programming Pipeline using Active Learning and Weak Supervision.
  • Designed a no-code Web Interface to label large Natural Language and Transcript datasets at scale.
  • Improved existing enterprise labelling systems by incorporating Semantic Search, Hierarchical and Community Clustering strategies to label data at speed.
  • Improved existing Active Learning approach by chaining Ensemble Models and Label Model for Single Label Classification Task.
Cognitive Brain Dynamics Lab at IIT Jodhpur
Computational Neuroscience Research Intern
May 2022 – August 2022 Jodhpur, Rajasthan

Recieved The Best Project Award at the School of AI and Data Science during my Summer Internship.

  • Worked on unraveling uncertainty as a major underlying latent variable for explaining emotional dynamics.
  • Study revealed significant uncertainty representation difference in young and old subjects and identified the Brain Regions capturing this.
  • Devised improved sequence models for multivariate BOLD time series predictions and entropy estimation for each Brain ROIs, for quantifying outcome uncertainty.
  • Implemented modified dimension reduction and manifod learning techniques for Brain image data in order to capture neural uncertainty representation.
People Against Cyber Abuse
Data Science Intern
December 2021 – January 2022 Delhi

Best Report and Presentation of Data Analysis.

  • Analysed the results of the surveys conducted on cyber abuse from various online and offline platforms.
  • Modelled the response of people to their chances of being a victim through Decision Trees.
  • Heirarchial Clustering revealed groups of people with similar traits who were cyber abused as well as groups prone to cyber abuse.
  • Public sentiments about awareness and ways to curb cyber abuse were mined using natural language processing and sentiment classifiers.


Arsenal of self-motivated past and present projects in AI, ML and Data Science, with their applications in NLP, CV, Computational Neuroscience and AI For Social Good

Product Attribute Extraction

Product Attribute Extraction

Unsupervised Topic Modelling technique for unsupervised product attribute extraction from Amazon India. We release two models - Fine-tuned Brand Name Detector and MLM on Product Data.



Extension of DAAM for Image Self-Attention in Diffusion Models! Exploiting Zero-Shot image segmentation capability of Stable Diffusion using a novel Attention Diffusion layer

Multi-Armed Bandit WebApp

Multi-Armed Bandit WebApp

A Streamlit WebApp Multi-Armed Bandit Game with Epsilon Greedy Agent Simulation

PHASE-based Implicit Neural Representation

PHASE-based Implicit Neural Representation

Unofficial implementation to the paper - “Phase Transitions, Distance Functions, and Implicit Neural Representations” for 3D surface reconstruction based on point clouds

Quantum Deep Dive

Quantum Deep Dive

Exploring Parametrized Quantum Circuits for solving NP-Hard Travelling Salesman Optimization roblem with Variational Quantum Eigensolver

Perceptions of Poverty

Perceptions of Poverty

Designing a novel Contrastive Perturbative (CP) Framework for estimating adjustable perception-based weights for poverty indicators relevant for Indian context using Discrete Choice Models



Large-Scale Visual Object Discovery through Diffusion Attentive Attribution Text2Image Heatmaps using Stable Diffusion. Python package - Generate OD Synthetic Data in 30 lines of code!

Visuo-Textual Joint Embedding

Visuo-Textual Joint Embedding

Contextual Information-rich joint embedding for image and text in a multi-modal vector space using object-text collocation and Relative Position-based Transformer

Scanned Document Classification

Scanned Document Classification

Scanned Document Representation Learning using Image-Text-Loc Fusion CNN-Transformer and leveraging it for clustering and classification into 16 document categories

Neural Machine Translation

Neural Machine Translation

Explored several baseline Transformer models built from scratch for English to low-resourced North-Eastern Indian Languages in an effort to mainstream large native population

Face Recognition Psychology

Face Recognition Psychology

Psychological analysis of face recognition abilities and tendency among humans using survey and psychological techniques with categorical data analysis

Neural Uncertainty Representation

Neural Uncertainty Representation

Unraveled uncertainty as a major underlying latent variable for explaining emotional dynamics in the Brain, revealing significant represenational difference between age groups

Digit Span Test

Digit Span Test

R Shiny Webapp to conduct and provide dashboard results for Digit Span Psychology Test for measuring Short-Term Memory Capacity with detailed analysis of performance

Pro-Environmental Attitude Analysis

Pro-Environmental Attitude Analysis

Study on the pro-environmental attitude among college students of India and suggesting necessary measures leveraging statistical inference techniques.

Vector Map Stitching

Vector Map Stitching

Created a Webapp for generating global vector map by stitching local locations on map screenshots using Linear Statistical Model and also presenting residual analysis.

Fair Learning

Fair Learning

Devised new definition of model fairness based on Adversarial notion and implemented several fairness techniques like fairness regularization and LFR in NNs

Alzheimer's Disease Data Analysis

Alzheimer’s Disease Data Analysis

Logistic Regression was used to identify genes responsible for Alzheimer’s Disease with high accuracy, sensitivity and specificity paired with great visualization

Image Segmentation

Image Segmentation

Implemented Expectation-Maximization Algorithm from scratch for image segmentation with Gaussian Mixture Model and its application to Brain Images and written notes

Video Background Subtraction

Video Background Subtraction

A fast video background subtraction that generates mask of moving foreground objects for surveillance videos using Kernel Density Estimation and thresholding

Eigenvalues & Eigenvectors, PCA

Eigenvalues & Eigenvectors, PCA

Eigenvalues and Eigenvector calculation of covariance matrix using several optimized iterative techniques with application to Principal Component Analysis

COVID-19 Air Quality Index

COVID-19 Air Quality Index

Air Quality Index data analysis during COVID-19 for 4 major Indian cities, including inference, modelling and investigation for drops in pollution.

Matrix Ops & Physics Simulations

Matrix Ops & Physics Simulations

Matrix Computations, Statistical Optimization and Physics simulation with advanced mathematical modelling techniques like Finite Elements Methods


Always Engaged in Learning and Achieving Milestones

Machine Learning Summer School
See certificate
Options 101
See certificate
Reinforcement Learning Specialization
See certificate
Research Week With Google
Selected among large number of applicants to be a part of the Research Week with Google Conference with top-notch researchers in AI and Machine Learning from across the world. My sub-track was Natural Language Understanding.
See certificate
Top Team at IndoML22 Datathon Challenge
Selected in the top 8 teams out of over 192 competitors in the IndoML22 Datathon Challenge and Awarded a full scholarship to attend Indian Symposium on Machine Learning 2022 Conference at IIT Gandhinagar.
See certificate
Indian Symposium on Machine Learning
See certificate
IBM Quantum Fall Challenge - Advanced
See certificate
Generative Adversarial Networks Specialization
See certificate
IBM Introduction to Quantum Computing
Recieved Full Scholarship (1200$) for both semesters of The Quantum Computing course by IBM Quantum and the Coding School.
See certificate
Indian Statistical Institute
Independence Day Debate Competition
See certificate
Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur
Summer Internship at School of AI and Data Science
See certificate
Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur
Best Project Award in Summer Internship Program
Contributed by producing significant scientific findings to a complicated research problem in the intersection of Machine Learning and Computational Neuroscience. My work revealed directions for continuing further research on the topic, that can lead to significant understanding and discoveries.
See certificate
International Institute of Information Technology
Advanced Summer School on Natural Language Processing
See certificate
Natural Language Processing Specialization
See certificate
Machine Learning Specialization
See certificate
Indian Statistical Institute
Winter School for Deep Learning - From Perceptrons to Transformers
See certificate
Data Structures & Algorithms in Python
See certificate
Deep Learning Specialization
See certificate
Python Basics
See certificate
Indian Statistical Institute
Top 10 Students
In Top 10 students of my Institute in the 1st year awarded for academic excellence
Indian Statistical Institute
All India Rank 64
Secured an All India Rank of 64 out of more than 60,000 students who appeared for the B.Stat entrance examination of ISI, ranked the topmost college in India for education in Statistics.
See certificate
All India Rank 2225
JEE Advanced is considered to be the toughest entrance examination for engineering students in India. I received an All India Rank of 2225 in JEE Advanced out of 200000 candidates who qualified JEE Mains out of 1.1 million students who appeared.
See certificate
All India Rank 1500
Secured an All India Rank of less than 1500 for getting into Birla Institute of Technology, India, considered as one of the top engineering colleges in the same tier as IITs, with over 3,50,000 competing students.
See certificate
All India Rank 238
Secured an All India Rank of 238 out of 3,00,000 plus students who appeared. This exam is held for getting into the best engineering colleges in West Bengal with Jadavpur University at the top, which is in the same tier as IITs.
See certificate


The Proper Function of Man is to Live, Not to Exist. I Shall Not Waste My Days in Trying to Prolong Them. I Shall Use My Time.

Get In Touch

Let’s build, research and collaborate.

Feel free to reach me out. I am always in an outlook for great people and awesome work.