Chapter 3 Introduction

The environment is one of the most important component for mankind. Interactions between humans
and environment that occur continuously, will affect human behavior on the environment. Human attitudes and behavior will determine the good condition of an environment. The way humans treat their environment will have an impact on the quality of human life itself. Lack of human attitude that cares about the environment, causing global environmental damage. It encourages people today to change their attitude in an effort to reduce the harmful effects of environmental damage. Environmental protection and recovery are the main challenges facing our society today, therefore it is important to know and understand pro-environmental behavior in society, and what factors influence it. In this case, the adolescent is part of the community, which has the potential for environmental protection. Attitudes, knowledge, behaviors, concerns that the adolescent have about the environment either directly or indirectly influence future decision-making about natural resources and how their use can be sustainable. Therefore, the adolescent need to be motivate, in order becomes a pioneer for pro-environmental attitude, hence in that aged the challenges and modification toward environment more easily achieved. Scholars have various terms to describe attitude that protect environment, such as: Social Support, Recycling, Reusing, Conservation, Reducing, Perceived Control and Sensitivity towards Environment. Pro-environmental attitude is a attitude that considers harming the environment as little as possible but provides enormous benefits to the environment. Environmental education is considered important to increase individual knowledge, positive attitude, and eco-friendly behavior. Based on this exposure, it becomes important to know the importance of pro-environmental attitude in adolescent.

In this Data Analysis Project, I have analyzed the pro-environmental attitude among the college students of India. I have used several Statistical and Psychometric Tools to conduct Exploratory Data Analysis, Inference and Modeling of the Survey Data to come to a valid conclusion.

3.1 Objective

The motive of conducting this study is mentioned below-

  • Finding out the overall pro-environmental attitude and behavior among the college students of India and visualizing the results.

  • Understanding the underlying correlation between the items(or questions asked) by different domains or aspects of pro-environmental attitude(see next section).

  • Understanding the underlying correlation between the different domains of pro-environmental attitude.

  • Finding out the domains, we need to impart knowledge on to improve on the overall pro-environmental attitude among college students of India.

  • Observing the trend in the response like the composition of the overall pro-environmental score.

3.2 Importance

Studies like this is very important in understanding the pro-environmental attitude in psychology. Some reasons of why such studies are of great importance are as follows-

  • Environmental Education is effective to it’s fullest extent and constitutes an important part of a child’s development into a responsible human being.

  • Understanding the domains where the college students lack good perception or idea on would help us frame better study plans, coursework and activities for school students to nurture better environmental attitude.

  • Helps in understanding human-nature interaction.

  • Measuring a country’s overall education index as an important part of a student’s education is environmental education.

  • Better understand the variables involved in study which can be as complex as social support, perceived control, etc.