
My mother was a beacon of light in my life, always striving to keep me happy and to be the best mother she could be. Though she is no longer with me, I wish I could tell her just how deeply I loved her, and how much she meant to me. She was a selfless soul, dedicating her life to caring for little ones and those in need, and never hesitating to give of her time and resources to help others. Despite her own struggles and battles with illness, she was an unyielding pillar of strength, pushing me to become the best version of myself. I owe everything I am to her, and it is through her guidance and love that I have come to understand that true happiness is not found in our own accomplishments, but in the smile of those we hold dear. I long for you, dear mother, and I bow down in humble gratitude for all the blessings you have bestowed upon me.

Rishi Dey Chowdhury
Rishi Dey Chowdhury
Master of Statistics

My research interests include Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning and their applications in Computer Vision and NLP.