The Rabbit and the Stone Problem

Another Probability Brain Teaser Which Requires Exhaustive Case Counting. Can You Get Them Right?

Image credit: Me

I have this friend of mine, who constantly pokes me to solve interesting puzzles. He sometimes even rings me up, just to look at the problem he sent :P This is one of those problems, that I enjoyed working on. It requires understanding of basic probability theory, counting and some time to stick to a problem that interests you.

The problem goes like this…
There are 7 stones in a row labelled 1 to 7 from left to right. A rabbit starts at stone 1 and on each turn hops to a new stone that they haven’t visited yet. After visiting all the stones, what is the probability the rabbit made exactly one leftwards jump?

Read my detailed solution at: The Rabbit And The Stone Problem

Rishi Dey Chowdhury
Rishi Dey Chowdhury
Master of Statistics

My research interests include Artificial Intelligence, Quant Trading, Deep Learning and their applications in Market Microstructure, Computer Vision and NLP.